Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Posting in 4 different w4y

 In the magazine Wired, the article "Use your Own Words", by Anne Trubeck, is about text talk that can over run the english language. We know the word "later" but it has dramatically turned into a word you need to say aloud to understand as "l8er".This article shows the battle between proper spelling all the time versus using our "text talk" in school and official documents. But who shld tell us how 2 spel correctly 1n our own 1ives? I have to say that it doesn't matter. If you want to get graded down on an ELA essay or casually talk to your friend in another classroom, go for it. I think you should use it if you already know how to spell properly as most do already. But the difference is whether you know it by heart.
I wouldn't accept a grade schooler using this language because I don't believe he/she doesn't know the english language well enough to use it. I've been writing for a long time and I still try to use it too much. I also think it's part of your character how much, when, and where you use it. The quote,"English spelling is a mess anyway, full of arbitrary contrivances and exceptions that out-number rules..." "...What is the logic behind the ough,in through, dough, and cough?" I completely agree with it. So, why shouldn't people get to use "text talk".
People write with consistent spelling just to ensure clarity. Since everyone is now writing differently, shouldn't spelling change, too? What would happen if almost all consistence spelling disappeared in the screens of phones, computer, facebook, and twitter? People are always twisting things for them to be faster and more convenient. I think people will use "text talk" more and it will really influence other things that inspired it. So I ask you, does it influence your life and things around you?


  1. Thank you for teaching me how to write about stuff Adam. Things that are nice to know whenever i'm going to write an essay. I would never expect a magazine like Wired to have an article like that. I guess I can look more into it.

  2. I love your arguement, Adam! I have to say- according to my personality- I prefer my proper english. That's just me, of course. I'm too proper. XD I do use text talk, but only when I'm chatting with a friend just so I can everything out right away. I honestly doubt people can type fast enough to get what they say out there online. For me, I'm slow at almost everything.
