Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This Post Will Make Us All Believe

   At the heart of this song there seems to be a yearning or a desire to escape back to childhood innocence. Upon first hearing the song, I was intrigued by the melody and simple lyrics; it wasn't until I actually questioned the artists intent that I began seeing the deeper meaning of Adam Young's lyrics. The song starts by telling us we would "not believe" our eyes, a statement that suggests the song will cover some sort of fantastic occurrence. Then the song progresses into a dream like quality. The speaker actually speaks of fireflies as if they were surrounded by them, but I can't help believe the fireflies are supposed to stand for a specific event or situation. Hence the question: Who would catch fireflies?The song speaks about the innocence of youth and how quickly that innocence escapes us.  The answer: innocent children We are all forced to give up our childhood too soon.
   The chorus says "I'd LIKE to make myself believe" suggesting a desire of something that can not be completely accomplished. The speaker wants to believe earth moves slowly; if he can't believe that simple statement, it must mean the opposite is true--planet Earth spins much too fast. In other words, time passes by much too quickly. The speaker then talks about the desire to remain to remain in that dream trance instead of waking up to reality, because within that dream trance is the innocence of youth. An innocence and naivety that allows a simple act--catching fireflies--to become a magical excursion into a wonderland of possibility and adventure. The point of the song seems to speak about the need to hold onto and embrace (maybe even slip back into) our child hood innocence so the reality of growing up does not completely take away the magic and joy the world has to offer. We need more fireflies and rooms full of toys (video) to keep our lives simple and innocent.
    Everyone, young or old, wish that they can be young and innocent forever. I think that kids my age(14) want to grow up so fast but after hearing this song and falling in love with it, I can truly say that I wish I can be that same little kid who caught fireflies in the summer. People don't appreciate age enough and if everyone had a chance to go back, they would. When you're small, you have no worries, responsibility, and your only job is to have fun, again, the toys in the video. Life is too short and every moment counts. Sometimes we all need a break and live up every moment because one day you'll wake up and all the young years we have or had will be all gone and then what. I want to leave you with the want and desire to treasure every second of youth.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Posting in 4 different w4y

 In the magazine Wired, the article "Use your Own Words", by Anne Trubeck, is about text talk that can over run the english language. We know the word "later" but it has dramatically turned into a word you need to say aloud to understand as "l8er".This article shows the battle between proper spelling all the time versus using our "text talk" in school and official documents. But who shld tell us how 2 spel correctly 1n our own 1ives? I have to say that it doesn't matter. If you want to get graded down on an ELA essay or casually talk to your friend in another classroom, go for it. I think you should use it if you already know how to spell properly as most do already. But the difference is whether you know it by heart.
I wouldn't accept a grade schooler using this language because I don't believe he/she doesn't know the english language well enough to use it. I've been writing for a long time and I still try to use it too much. I also think it's part of your character how much, when, and where you use it. The quote,"English spelling is a mess anyway, full of arbitrary contrivances and exceptions that out-number rules..." "...What is the logic behind the ough,in through, dough, and cough?" I completely agree with it. So, why shouldn't people get to use "text talk".
People write with consistent spelling just to ensure clarity. Since everyone is now writing differently, shouldn't spelling change, too? What would happen if almost all consistence spelling disappeared in the screens of phones, computer, facebook, and twitter? People are always twisting things for them to be faster and more convenient. I think people will use "text talk" more and it will really influence other things that inspired it. So I ask you, does it influence your life and things around you?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Art in a Deeper Post

   In this painting of Frida Kahlo on the border of Mexico and American, it tells me that she feels in between the choice of home & a better life. It is as if she doesn't know which way to go. But it shows the difference between America's industrialization and Mexico's rural country side with the old temple in the background. She also gives hints of she is toward Mexico a little more because her arms are crossed with the Mexican flag facing Mexico.
   She may be toward Mexico because there is the flag as said before and she is wearing a dress that would look Hispanic rather than an American dress. Another thing is that her head is facing Mexico and the cigarette in her hand is toward America which can show that America is industrialized and polluting. But in several Frida Kahlo portraits, she has a cigarette in one hand but it may be toward America completely intentional.
    I can't personally connect with this exactly but I feel the same way with Poland. When ever I go there, I fun a lot of fun but yet, it is all planned. If I lived there, I wouldn't have nearly as much fun I would have in the states with friends. So reality is that if I was living in America, my life would be better. Frida Kohla spent a good time in the states because of this reason.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Nomination Day!!!!!

   I nominate Nathan Chakerian's blog because his post about aspergers blew my mind. I think it was great how his intro hooked me to read the rest without having that bored feeling to do this just for a homework grade. I thought how I would feel if my friend has aspergers and I didn't know it. I feel like he speaks to the audience in a way.
