Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Post of the Flies

   I've notice the Jack in the book The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, tries to take control of the group even though Ralph was elected chief. He is ignorant and selfish and wants all the power. He thinks that all because his dad put him as head singer to the choir, he can take control of the majority survivors. Jack needs to learn that you can't always be on top of the pyramid just because you want to.
   As lead singer of the choir, I can see why he would do that. The other choir boys must have looked up to Jack as the leader but also because he showed savageness in a minor way before they really did. If I was in Jack's position as leader, I can't say that I wouldn't do the same. Jack isn't completely wrong for doing that but I don't agree with it all the way because it is unfair for the future hunters, Ralph, Piggy, and all of the other survivors.
  Jack isn't really fit to be a leader because Ralph show better leadership from the beginning hen he came up with the meeting and a way to get off the island. Ralph was also able to maintain self-control when almost no one else can and that was a huge factor to their survival on the island. They would spend all day looking for the "beast" and killing pigs and that's why I like Ralph a lot better over Jack because he had standards and showed a lot better leadership, too.

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