Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Old Man And This Post

   I'm just finished a book, The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, and it's about an old fisherman, Santiago, in Cuba having bad luck with his catches. Santiago isn't only a fisherman but a very wise man that observes everything. The sea is a big part of Santiago's life and the book falls in place with it.
   The sea in the book is a huge setting, and I would say character, because everything revolves around it and holds a habitat for birds and fish that are life changing the old man. The sea is also a character to me because it plays a role in Santiago's triumph and loss. He shows lots of strength and courage when he sails far into the sea just to lose everything he had. He also went through a life changing event that he can only learn from and this just adds to his knowledge.
   Not only is the sea a setting in the book but a character, too. The old man had to show his strength toward the sea. Some things that bring you up can take you down and that's exactly what the sea is to Santiago. Are there any obstacles in your life that build you up but can bring you down to your lowest, vulnerable, state?

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